A Crash Course on Crystals

A Crash Course on Crystals Crystals have become very popular nowadays, for far more than just being pretty. They are common manifestation tools and are used frequently for the healing energies they carry. Practitioners of crystal healing believe they can boost low energy, prevent bad energy, release blocked energy, and even transform a body’s aura!…

How to Banish Negativity

How to Banish Negativity When I was a kid, “negativity breeds negativity” was a common phrase my mother would say to help me when I felt sad, angry, or stressed. Of course, like all lessons our mothers try to teach us, I didn’t understand what she meant until I got older. Basically, she was saying…

The Truth About Tarot

The Truth About Tarot Usually, when we think of Tarot cards, we think of stereotypical old gypsy ladies enticing you into their tent, so you’ll pay money to find out what letter your soulmate’s name starts with or if you’ll be a millionaire. This image is not at all accurate. You don’t have to be…

The Basics of Astrology

The Basics of Astrology It’s the biggest modern craze, but astrology has been known across the world for a little over two millennia! While it is considered a pseudoscience, I believe there is some truth to the stars and planets influence. The placement of these celestial beings really can affect our psyche and our personality…