The Truth About Tarot

Usually, when we think of Tarot cards, we think of stereotypical old gypsy ladies enticing you into their tent, so you’ll pay money to find out what letter your soulmate’s name starts with or if you’ll be a millionaire. This image is not at all accurate.

You don’t have to be a part of any specific tribe or religion to practice divination like tarot. The true meaning of each of the cards incorporates beliefs about astronomy and the four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. In my opinion, whatever you believe spiritually shouldn’t stop you from practicing tarot. In fact, you can use that belief to fuel your inner psychic and gain insight and knowledge.

Not to mention, readings with tarot cards aren’t set in stone to be your future. Like any divination tool, it’s all that doesn’t mean that the future is no longer in your control. All that said, tools like tarot are really good for revealing things about yourself or your situation that you’ve been unable to see clearly.    

Tarot can seem scary at first, like learning a whole new language. Each card has its own range of meanings, which changes when reversed. They have corresponding elements and planets, multiple diverse ways to read them called spreads, and honestly, they take a lot of focus and energy to read accurately. Keep in mind, there is no right or wrong way to read the cards. Like I said before, it’s all up to interpretation.

Now, I will be covering each card and their meanings individually in separate posts in the future, but for now, let us focus on how the tarot works and what it takes to read the cards. I’ll even throw in some spread ideas!

Keep in mind, these cards are extremely sensitive tools. They read your energy and tap into your intuition to help you gain insight to not only your mind and behaviors, but also your possible energies for the future. Again, this is not a totally set-in-stone way of looking into the future, but rather what your future could hold if you follow the card’s advice. With that in mind, you want to make sure you aren’t carrying any negative energies into this interaction. Make sure you banish all that negativity before starting so your mind and your space are clean.

First thing you want to do before even doing any reading is to interview your new deck. This is a conduit for your own intuition, it has its own personality and energy. It’s best to get to know your deck, this way you and it can work best together. One good spread for interviewing your deck is to shuffle the cards extensively, then spread them out in front of you and pick cards based on how you feel they will be ordered. Remember, intuition is all about feeling! It may take a couple tries to really get the feel of the deck, but if there are repeating cards then you know it’s accurate. You’re going to draw a total of six cards and each card will be attached to a different question.

You can lay the cards out however you want. I usually place them in one long line, but you could also try two rows of three, or perhaps a circle. The position doesn’t matter as much, just go with what feels good for your deck. For every card, ask the following questions out loud.

Tarot Interview Questions

Once you’ve got a feel for your deck, it’s time to practice some readings!

There are quite a few beginners spreads that you can try out to get comfortable. You can try a one-card daily reading, where every morning you clear your mind, shuffle the deck, and simply ask what you need to know for the day. Pull one card and write down what you pulled and its meaning.

You could also try the old but reliable three-card spread. Past, present, and future readings are extremely helpful when done every so often and especially when you have a specific topic or open-ended question in mind. Write down what question or subject you were focusing on and the cards you pulled.

Three Card Spread

If you want to try something a little more complex, the Celtic Cross spread is a very popular ten card spread that isn’t too complicated once you get the hang of it. It’s much more in-depth considering the many more cards you’d be reading from. Again, take notes! Write down what card was the answer to what question and read it back, this way you truly understand the message your deck is trying to convey.

The Celtic Cross Spread

Take as many notes as you see fit to rally get the full benefit of the reading. Even keeping a tarot journal will help you not only keep track of your readings but is also a great tool for tracking your progress. It’s best to write down your readings so you’re not overwhelming yourself with info. You don’t want to make the very common mistake of reading the tarot cards like flashcards. They’re so much more than what meets the eye.

Remember, when you are reading the cards, they each have a different meaning and theme to them depending on what suit they are or which way they’re facing. You cannot just read what they mean by themselves, you must read your cards in relation to each other and your own feelings. Once you get a better understanding of how the cards are read, you can try more intricate spreads for your needs.

When you’re finished with your tarot cards, I like to thank them before I put them away. Like I said before, they have their own energies, you want to make sure they’re taken care of and feel appreciated. Always make sure to cleanse your deck with something like crystals or incense to make sure its energies stay pure and helpful! They are not only a tool for your intuition, but a guide and friend along your journey.

As you learn to read the deck, you will find that signs are everywhere, and your intuition will grow stronger. You don’t need to have all 78 cards memorized in order to practice tarot; this is all about your interpretation of the cards. You’re flexing a muscle never before used, so it will take quite a bit of time, but soon your muscle will be as strong as ever! So, keep in mind these tips when reading and you should have an easy transition from no sight to a total third eye!

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